2,30 ₾ – 113,70 ₾
შეფუთვა |
0.250 l ,1 l ,20 l |
ბრენდი |
Vellsam, Spain |
პრეპარატული ფორმა |
Velhumus is a special liquid fertilizer used in fertigation. Due to its characteristics, it increases the capacity of cation exchange, thus improves soil structure, promotes pore formation, permeability and water retention. It promotes secondary root formation and as a result increases root volume. Velhumus is a highly concentrated product of fulvic acids, which ensures the active conduct of organic processes in the soil, as a result, it makes it easier for the root system to absorb water and nutrients dissolved in it, and it also transfers the nutrients blocked due to antagonistic reactions in the soil to the desired form for the plant, creates a desirable environment for beneficial microorganisms and bacteria living in the soil, promotes utilization of mineral fertilizers. In addition, the product contains macroelements, which are fully absorbed by the plant and play an important role in any phase of vegetation, both in terms of plant health and quality harvest, recommendations for use: used in all agricultural crops. Dose (fertigation): 10-15 l/ha
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