Garjila and urea are two of the most demanded fertilizers in agriculture. Both of them include nitrogen, which has a crucial role for plant growth and is a component of all living cells. Both guarjila and carbamide are effective means of providing nitrogen to the plant. However, there is a question that constantly arises when talking about urea and guarjila – what is the difference between them? In what case do we use any of these two fertilizers?

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Guarjila contains 34% ammonium nitrate. This form of nitrogen dissolves quickly in the soil and is easily absorbed by plant roots, which ensures active plant growth. This form of nitrogen does not evaporate.

Guarjila and carbamide - what distinguishes the most demanded fertilizers from each other?
Guarjila and carbamide - what distinguishes the most demanded fertilizers from each other? 2


Urea , also known as urea, is another widely used fertilizer that contains nitrogen. Compared to Guarjila, the nitrogen content in Cabamide is much higher and is 46%. The roots of the plant cannot absorb the nitrogen in the urea, for this it is necessary that the microorganisms living in the soil transform it into a form that can be absorbed by the plant. Urea is one of the most effective fertilizers, but when applied it must be incorporated into the soil to prevent evaporation. As we have already mentioned, nitrogen is a necessary element for plant growth, it is a constituent part of all living cells.

An important factor in selecting a nitrogen source is its intended use.

If the plant suffers from a lack of nitrogen, it is better to use guargil, and in order for the plant to absorb this element slowly during the growing season, it is better to use carbamide.

Both guarjila and carbamide play an important role in supplying nitrogen to the plant, but it is necessary to consider the above details and characteristics so that the fertilizers can work effectively.

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