Full analysis (fertilization manager + micro)
Full analysis (fertilization manager + micro nutrition)
Chemical: total nitrogen-N; C/N ratio; nitrogen supply maximum; total sulfur-S; maximum sulfur supply; C/S ratio; Phosphorus available to the plant – P; blocked phosphorus P; Potassium-K available to the plant: blocked potassium K; Magnesium – Mg, calcium – Ca, sodium – Na available and blocked forms. Trace elements (B, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se, Co, Si, Mo, Fe) – available forms.
Physical: PH; hummus + hummus balance; ratio of clay, sand and silt fractions; Carbonation – CaCO3; absorption capacity of cations – CEC; Water available to the plant.
Biological: the viability of the specimen.
Recommendation: Nutritional recommendations tailored to the farmer’s culture. Considering the joint characteristics of the soil and the plant.
Control of soil fertility (fertilization manager)
Chemical : total nitrogen-N; C/N ratio; nitrogen supply maximum; total sulfur-S; maximum sulfur supply; C/S ratio; Phosphorus available to the plant – P; blocked phosphorus P; Potassium-K available to the plant: blocked potassium K; Magnesium – Mg, calcium – Ca, sodium – Na available and blocked forms.
Physical : PH; hummus + hummus balance; ratio of clay, sand and silt fractions; Carbonation – CaCO3; absorption capacity of cations – CEC; Water available to the plant.
Biological : the viability of the specimen.
Recommendation : Nutritional recommendations tailored to the farmer’s culture. Considering the joint characteristics of the soil and the plant.

Control of soil fertility (fertilization)

Study of individual soil parameters
Study of individual soil parameters
Depending on your needs, we can create a package tailored to you and offer an individual service.

Any growing organism needs nutrition for growth and development. In the case of a plant, the nutrient area is the soil. The more fertile the soil and full of micro- and macronutrients needed by the plant, the stronger the culture it nourishes. Soil analysis is the most effective method for determining this level of fertility, because this process helps us to detect any type of problem in time and, if it exists, to quickly take appropriate measures.
There is only one way to maintain soil fertility – gradual monitoring of soil and culture. The goal of any agronomist and farmer is to get a bountiful harvest, not once, but many times over the coming years. Achieving this goal is unthinkable without healthy soil, therefore we need constant control of both the constituent elements of the soil and the nutrients needed by the plant in it, in order to be able to assess the deficiency in time and correct it if necessary.
At such a stage, we resort to such diagnostic methods as:
- symptoms of visual deficit;
- soil analysis;
- Analysis of the green mass of the plant (leaf, stem, tissues)
- Remote monitoring (use of such digital systems as EOS or drone monitoring)
If visual symptoms of deficiency are observed on the crop, it means that any kind of response is already late and we have lost a certain amount of the harvest that year. That is why the preliminary assessment of the soil is of great importance in the production of agricultural crops. At this time, it is determined to what extent the soil has the ability to supply the plant with sufficient nutrients both during the planting process and during the entire vegetation period.
Agrocompany Baraka offers high-quality services to farmers in this direction as well. More specifically, our soil specialists take a soil sample according to European standards, and after that, the sample is sent to Eurofins Agro , one of the most advanced Dutch laboratories in Europe, for examination.
Eurofins Agro is a leading organization in the field of biological sciences research. The laboratory was founded in 1987 and currently cooperates with about 1000 organizations in 50 countries, including Baraka exclusively in Georgia. As one of the most innovative and quality-oriented companies, Eurofins Agro perfectly fulfills such standards as: strictly controlled high quality, customer confidentiality and constantly updated technologies.
CEC is based on cation exchange capacity, otherwise known as clay-humus complex. CEC indicates the amount of nutrients (cations) that the soil can bind. In other words, how much potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium cations the soil can bind and then release during plant growth. A low pH level may lead to the accumulation of large amounts of aluminum and H + ions in the clay-humus complex, which in itself reduces the efficiency of CEC.
СEC indicator is a vital indicator for determining the level of soil fertility. It gives us information on the productivity limits of our plot. As we mentioned, СEC is a clay-humus complex, with its help we can monitor and improve the organic mass of the soil. We can also improve the efficiency of СEC by means of encryption. CEC is also an indicator of soil structure. We have two ways to improve the structure of the soil: if the pH level is low, we can turn to mulching, which will increase the concentration of calcium in the clay-humus complex. And if the pH level is high to begin with, then we can use the liming method, which will also increase the calcium level. Both actions will improve the concentration of calcium in the clay-humus complex, leading to a much better soil structure, more oxygen, and a much better position for the start of the new season.
For a fruitful, high-quality harvest, it is necessary to properly feed the culture we grow based on its needs.
The joint recommendations issued by Agrocompany Baraka and Eurofins Agro are based on two main ideas: we monitor the content of nutrients in the soil and the quality of their assimilation by the plant during the entire vegetation period. We will also study which nutrients are deficient in the soil. This is a very important approach, because it is possible to have satisfactory supplies of plant-available nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and potassium in the soil, but at the same time be deficient in secondary elements. Also, it is possible that we have all the micro and macro elements in the required amount in the soil, but only one micro element – magnesium is deficient, in this case the farmer will get a low-quality, small harvest.
By determining the mechanical composition, we determine the arrangement of the structural particles of the soil. Soil particles can be: clay, sand and silt. Among them, clay is the smallest particle, sand contains the largest fractions, and silt ranges between the two. Knowing their distribution in the soil allows us to determine the risks of soil leaching and to address them in a timely manner. For example, we can add limestone, gypsum, or simply add organic fertilizer to the soil. Agrocompany Baraka offers the best solution for improving the structure of your soil in the recommendation given in the scope of soil analysis. In addition, our agronomists provide recommendations regarding the optimal amount of irrigation water, as a large amount of irrigation can lead to the leaching of nutrients from the soil, such as: nitrogen, sulfur and potassium. That is why it is important to give the following recommendations based on the mechanical composition of the soil: the amount of irrigation water and the intensity of supply, the number, volume and timing of measures to improve the soil structure and organic mass.