Farmer Givi Kharebashvili has been engaged in agriculture for 9 years, growing vineyards and orchards of different cultures in Kvareli. Mr. Givi says that he made the best decision in his life when he gave up his old profession and started taking care of the development of agrarian culture. The farmer has about 7 hectares of cultivated fruit varieties: saferavi vineyard, cherry, alucha, chandler walnut, persimmon and plum orchards. Every farmer has a different priority in crop selection, Mr Givi says he selected all his crops based on the fertility of the land he owns, he did a soil analysis and found that some plants were very difficult to grow and required a lot of labor and effort, so he decided to grow Crops from which he would see profit sooner and would also be suitable and affordable for his soil,
From the Saferavi vineyards planted in 2019, the first harvest was received last year, 8 and a half tons per hectare: “In the second year, my vineyard paid back its costs, in the third year it already gave me a profit, last year I got 8 and a half tons per hectare, which is a very good result.” The farmer says that this year he will be able to harvest 10 tons of grapes per hectare with the help of Baraka.
As for the fruit gardens, the farmer says that the fruit harvest began to bear fruit in 7-8 years and he is very satisfied with last year’s harvest. He harvested 8 tons per hectare from the aluchi garden, 5 tons of products from the three-year persimmon garden, half a ton of plums, last year’s harvest of cherries, 200 tons from the three-year garden, and with these data, farmer Givi Kharebashvili is very satisfied, and despite the bad weather and cold days of April, he expects better results this year. .
“I used to have different businesses, I was engaged in other activities, now I realize that I didn’t enjoy that job, and I got used to my gardens so much that I realized that this is my place. I tend to the orchards from 5 o’clock in the morning and I water, take care, and do agricultural work with the Baraka company with my own hands. I lead together, I get advice and guidance from their agronomists, I learn a lot from them, and I like the process so much that I do half the work myself. I do it, I prune the fruit trees, I put fertilizer, this evening I know that I have to water the cherry garden, I have 200 cherries” says Mr. Givi Kharebashvili.
Taking care of the gardens and properly conducted agricultural activities guarantee the yield of all crops. Farmer Givi Kharebashvili has been communicating with the company Baraka for this purpose for 2 years: “The consultants represented in the branch always help me, I like their service quality and attention, the price is acceptable for me personally, they come to the site even without my request They see my vineyard and gardens. What I don’t notice, I believe they won’t miss it, even today they visited my vineyard and recommended drugs for the current treatment, and this makes things much easier, I get maximum results with the right drugs, for which I am very grateful.”
Farmer Givi Kharebashvili advises all beginning farmers to make decisions based on soil analysis when selecting a crop, to check the elements in his plot and only after that to start farming: “In my experience, they will need less work and the use of less aids, which is related to finances and costs. , it will cost less to grow and produce, and they will see more profit”.
Givi Kharebashvili notes that those who are involved in agriculture and produce something, all help and encourage each other, some with equipment, some with the right advice: “It is very important to stand by each other, this is what is needed for the development of agriculture”.
Givi Kharebashvili, in the second stage of his farming activity, plans to start a dried fruit farm by providing plum and persimmon orchards, intends to produce dried fruits with his own products and develop in this direction.
Baraka wishes all farmers and entrepreneurs a blessed year and a bountiful harvest.
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