For the correct management of plant growth and development, it is important to choose the correct fertilizer, and at this time, a number of factors should be taken into account, with the help of which the quality and quantity of the crop can be increased by two. These factors include: soil pH, carbonation, determining the content of assimilable elements in the soil and their balance, the culture’s need for nutrients. If the farmer does not know what his soil is like, by using fertilizers incorrectly, instead of increasing the quantity and quality of the crop, he can get the opposite result.
Agrocompany Baraka offers farmers a wide range of high-quality mineral fertilizers of the company “Elixir Zorka”, founded in 1938 in Serbia, which fully meet the requirements of plants for all necessary elements and comply with European environmental protection norms and standards.
I will introduce you to two types of Elixir Zorka fertilizers:
Fertilizer – NPK 6:24:12 + 2% Ca + 5% S + 0.05% Zn
The complex granulated NPK fertilizer is designed for plants that require high amounts of phosphorus, is used at the initial stage of plant growth and promotes better root system formation.
The presence of calcium and sulfur affects nitrogen uptake, various enzymatic processes, protein synthesis, and also the plant’s tolerance to stress conditions.
Nitrogen is included in the fertilizer in the form of ammonia, which is easily absorbed by the plant and, unlike other forms of nitrogen, does not evaporate or wash into the soil.
Phosphorus is derived from phosphoric acid, which is converted from a liquid form to a solid form, which causes its high solubility in the soil.
Zinc content has a positive effect on the synthesis of plant hormones (auxin), chlorophyll and carbohydrates. Using NPK 6:24:12 + 2% Ca + 5% S + 0.05% Zn, the plant grows rapidly and uniformly.
Each pellet contains a balanced ratio of nutrients.
Fertilizer – NPK 7:21:21 + 4% S + 0.05% Zn
Complex granular NPK fertilizer is designed for plants that require high amounts of phosphorus and potassium. This formula, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, contains secondary element sulfur and trace element zinc.
Zinc enhances the synthesis of chlorophyll and carbohydrates, in addition to stimulating the growth hormone auxin.
Sulfur is an essential element for the formation of proteins, enzymes, vitamins and chlorophyll in plants. Its high content significantly increases the efficiency of the fertilizer in high pH soils and helps the plant to absorb nitrogen efficiently.
NPK 7:21:21 provides a continuous use of nutrients during the growing season, contributing to a high, stable and quality harvest.
To get this and other additional information, visit Agrocompany Baraka stores and our agronomists will help you get complete agroconsultation on the correct use of pesticides and fertilizers to get a quality and abundant harvest. Baraka wishes you good luck!
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