Red Rock 7,00 56,00 
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Ilkar 7,00 56,00 

Pink Lord

15,10 265,10 

Medium-late ripening (60-70 days after planting), indeterminate, multi-yielding pink tomato hybrid.


1000 pcs


100 pcs


500 pcs


50 pcs




Nongwubyo, Korea

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Medium-late ripening (60-70 days after planting), indeterminate, multi-yielding pink tomato hybrid. ⦁ fruit: 250-300 grams; ⦁ round-shaped, firm fruit; ⦁ bright pink color, without spots; ⦁ resistant to tearing; ⦁ transportable; ⦁ excellent commercial appearance; ⦁ has good taste qualities; ⦁ is distinguished by a very high yield; ⦁ Resistant to fusarium wilt compared to other hybrids on the market. HR- mosaic virus, leaf blight, spotting/cladosporiosis, fusarium wilt (Foll 1,2) and verticillium wilt. IR- tomato yellow leaf blight (TYVCV), nematodes (Ma, Mi, Mj);